In these two videos, one from the city of Beth Shaen in Israel and the other from Jerash in Jordan, I use the setting of these ancient cities to emphasize the importance of character in determining a man or a woman of integrity.
The first video from our visit to Beth Shean explains the importance of individual character qualities in defining a man or woman of integrity.
The second video was filmed at the ancient city of Jerash in Amman, Jordan. At the foot of the Temple of Zeus I found a great setting to explain the Twin Towers of Integrity.
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Character qualities are the building blocks that give structure and strength (read that integrity) to our lives and our reputations. Many of them are essential, and without them our integrity fails. For example, suppose I don’t think Truthfulness is important. I will be truthful as long as it is convenient to do so. Or what about Dependability? I’ll do what I say I am going to do as long as it doesn’t involve any unexpected sacrifice. Or Determination. I’ll follow through, but only if it doesn’t get too hard. Remove enough of these character qualities and our integrity will fail, just like a block wall. We might say we have become “dis-integrated…”
You can read more about the fascinating city of Beth Shaen in the Bible. Check out 1 Samuel 31. Then to see the integrity of King David and the men of Jabesh Gilead put to the test, look at 2 Samuel 2:4-7.
Do you know anyone who is incredibly competent, but you can’t trust them? We run into law enforcement officers like this all the time. They know the law, they know the procedure, they can quote policy chapter and verse. But you can’t trust them! It is possible to build a life on competence alone. But what happens when the character test comes along? They’re lives often come crashing down around them. How many careers, marriages, reputations, and lives have been ruined because of a character failure? Competency is important. But character is MORE important…
Short and to the point – nicely said, Sir. I will be sharing this with the Officers in my Police Department. Stay safe.
Pretty good analogy. Produce a short video about the honest cop surviving a criminal administration….that….I’d love to see. Please don’t gloss over with the typical B.S., you know…..”find another agency.” I wish I had a nickel for every time I heard that one. Instead….pretend that many of us don’t live in southern California where there’s a plethora of police agencies to choose from, all a stone’s throw from one another.
I’ll do you one better and recommend that you read Justin Hopson’s book, Breaking the Blue Wall. I just finished reading it in my hooch over in Afghanistan. It is excellently done! I especially appreciate the courage Justin showed in taking the Path of MOST Resistance – the one of character and leadership. Here’s a link to the book: Maintaining your walk as an officer of integrity in a corrupt organization is certainly challenging, but it is not impossible…
You might be encouraged by these short video messages on the Police Dynamics website that deal with some of the same principles, but from a less personal perspective: The Path of MOST Resistance and the Mark of Character
Sheriff Ray