The Scorning and Steadfast Offenders present the greatest challenges of the Five Types of Offenders. They will put your tactical communication skills to the test…
The Scorner needs Confirmation in order to voluntarily comply. He wants to know the answer to the question “Are you really serious about this…?” before he will agree to comply with your lawful commands. So your action is to give him a Last Chance with the following phrase developed by Dr. George Thompson of the Verbal Judo Institute:
“Is there ANYTHING I can say or do to gain your cooperation…
just for tonight?”
Notice the emphasis on the word “ANYTHING.” Your phraseology and voice inflection are critical to delivering the message effectively. It should come across almost as a plea for compliance, but it is their last chance. Anything other than a reasonable request, which you might consider granting if circumstances permit, or immediate compliance takes you to the next level, PHYSICAL FORCE.
If the subject resists up to this point, it likely means you are dealing with a Steadfast Offender, the highest level of offender. He needs Isolation and wants the answer to the question, “Can I make a phone call…?” In other words, he’s going to jail! Steadfast Offenders need incarceration, so if you have the appropriate legal grounds, you should consider making an arrest. But in all likelihood you will have to resort to the THREAT of physical force, with the apparent immediate ability and intent to carry through, or actual force in line with your policy and the Use of Force Continuum.
The tactical communication phrase above is designed to alert your partners that physical force is imminent so they can position themselves and get ready.
“When words fail, ACT!”
A.C.T. is an acronym for Aggression Control Tactics, a police self-defense program I put together a number of years ago. But the bottom line is that you have now exhausted the opportunities for voluntary compliance and must resort to your arrest and control tactics.