Police Dynamics is a character-based leadership program developed by Sheriff Ray Nash (ret.) of Dorchester County, SC. Based on a series of leadership principles called “dynamics”, the program is designed to make law enforcement agencies more powerful and effective. To date, Sheriff Nash has trained over 10,000 law enforcement officials and government leaders from around the world in the principles of Police Dynamics, including the Romanian National Police, the Sierra Leone National Police and the Moscow Police Command College. He is currently serving in Afghanistan as a Police Program Advisor for the Department of State at the US Embassy in Kabul. Recently, Sheriff Nash has been assigned to the International Police Coordination Board Secretariat where he serves as the Rule of Law Coordinator.
Ray, I think you are doing a great job continuing with your experience in Law Enforcement with other agencies and to the Leaders in Afghanistan. Please be safe.
Our department has just hired a new police chief. I have sent him this information because I believe in concept and would like bring this training to our department.
That would be great! Unfortunately, I am overseas right now and can’t provide any of the training in person. However, we have the entire training series available in DVD sets. Let me know if you are interested…