In a nutshell, the Police Dynamics program is a character-based approach to dealing with the challenges facing law enforcement officers and their agencies. Over 10,000 law enforcement officers and government leaders from around the world have benefited from the training. In light of recent events and the new challenges being presented to our law enforcement officers, the principles of Police Dynamics are needed now more than ever.
I am putting together my training calendar for 2016-2017. So if you or your agency would like to host a Police Dynamics seminar, please contact me right away and I will send you a training proposal.
Police Dynamics teaches officers how to:
- Keep their egos in check when their authority is challenged
- Re-build trust-based relationships even in the most troubled and crime-ridden neighborhoods
- Generate voluntary compliance by relying on positional authority instead of ego-power
- Stabilize and strengthen internal relationships that generate stress and conflict
- Develop leadership capacity throughout the agency
- Encourage and motivate each other to the highest levels of morale and performance
- Practice ethical decision-making when under stress or facing temptation
- Faithfully represent the principles and standards of the agency and profession
- Exercise discretion in a just and legally defensible manner
- Respectfully make appeals when an authority is in the wrong or faced with conflicting instructions
- Use tactical communications to overcome resistance and de-escalate tension without resorting to physical force
- Implement proven crime-fighting strategies that reduce the fear, apathy, tolerance for crime, and mistrust of the police that fuel criminal activity
- Exceed citizen expectations to build confidence and support
- Successfully navigate the complexities of building trust-based relationships among diverse groups
- Establish, Embrace, Encourage, Embody, and Enforce the highest standards of professional excellence
Category: Police Dynamics