By definition, the Unrestorable Spirit is just that — unrestorable. He refuses to be restored and enjoys being a Renegade. Outside of divine intervention, they are a lost cause. However, there is great hope for the other Renegade Spirits. Starting with the Rebellious Spirit, lets look at a character-based approach to restoration.
First of all, definitions are critically important. If we are going to incorporate character-based standards into our progressive discipline model, we have to be particularly careful to define and articulate the standard. Normally, we might define Obedience this way: “following the instructions of someone in authority…” But this is a behavior-based definition and it is very superficial. I like this character-based definition of Obedience better:
Quickly and cheerfully fulfilling the expectations of my authorities
Notice that “fulfilling expectations” is different than “following instructions.” It is entirely possible to be technically obedient in actions and be totally rebellious in attitude. We define character as “the internal motivation to do the right thing regardless of the circumstances and regardless of the costs.” A truly obedient person obeys in both action and attitude. And a good supervisor must have the discernment to look below the surface of behavior to determine the true attitude of the heart.
In this video, I also use a humorous example to illustrate how Problem-Oriented Policing can actually backfire on us if we do not communicate our expectations properly.
NOTE: I just returned from Romania this morning after conducting a number of Police Dynamics training sessions at the invitation of the Romanian National Police and their National Anti-Drug Agency. I hope to post some new videos and photos from there in the coming weeks…
Ok, I buy your obedience model. I agree with your premise of character based obedience. Maybe I’ve missed some of your information but remediation for me is way too time consuming and always, always ends up with broken friendships, broken trust and broken organizations. I have spent 38 years as a cop having been Chief for 10 and now dragged back from retirement as Deputy Chief. I want everything you suggest but I want it in my recruits. My entrance procedures do not examine, in a totally objective manner, these issues of character. I need a tool that will detect a character based behavior in a 24 year old. It is difficult. It has to be non-discriminatory, content valid and court defendable.
Your thoughts?
Thanks for your comments. Stay tuned for next week’s posting which will be about restoring relationships. I am checking with the Character First folks for you because I think they may have a character-based interview model that might help…